Unto These Hills is the second oldest outdoor historical drama in the United States, opening on July 1, 1950 in Cherokee, North Carolina. Since then over six million visitors have been delighted by Unto These Hills. Only The Lost Colony outdoor drama in Manteo, North Carolina has run longer.
The drama tells the story of the Cherokee nation beginning with the arrival of Spanish explorer Hernando DeSoto in 1540. It culminates in 1838 when the Cherokee were forcibly removed from their lands by the U.S. Government in the infamous event known as The Trail of Tears. Over 4,000 Cherokees died of hunger, disease and exposure to the elements on the forced march to Oklahoma. Several Cherokee historic figures are featured in the play, including Sequoyah, Junaluska, and William Holland Thomas (the first and only white chief of the Cherokee).
Unto These Hills was originally written by Kermit Hunter, then a student at the University of North Carolina. The script has since undergone a couple of re-writes to address some historical inaccuracies along with some other issues.
Unto These Hills alumni include renowned actor Morgan Freeman as well as Michael Rosenbaum of Smallville fame.
The show is held each summer at the 2,800 seat open-air Mountainside Theatre in Cherokee. The 2012 show dates for Unto These Hills will be June 1 – August 18 with shows starting nightly at 7:30. Click here to purchase tickets.
>> Unto These Hill Official Site
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